I found barbs in my Heart today.
The ones called Hate, Greed, Guilt and more.
Worst of all is not that they pierce me,
But that they also pierce Her with their deadly embrace.
She, who is incorruptible, is locked with me
With a festering corruption.
{more}The pain to begin their removal is slow and painful,
but to leave them alone is not an option,
Since to do nothing is to die slowly,
Until death takes me from Her.
To do nothing is to keep Her fettered
In a deadly embrace.
Give me the chance to change, one more time.
I try each day to remove the harpoons that make me weak, that cause me to stumble and fall.
Let Her soar and be free and may I join with Her flight back to You.
Let me rejoin with you in the stars and watch the cosmos turn.
He, who has the power of all,
Let me be free from this poisonous trap once and for all.